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Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM       2018-06-09

        Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) is proud to announce the selection of 8 technology projects and 6 education/workforce development projects resulting from ARM’s first formal project call announced in October 2017. These 14 projects have been selected for funding and will kick-off in the coming months, pending final contract negotiations.ARM is the leading catalyst of robotics innovation and expertise, accelerating growth in U.S.-based manufacturing and high value careers. Founded in January 2017 by Carnegie Mellon University, and now operating as a separate non-profit member collaborative, ARM is a Manufacturing USA Institute.Pending negotiation, ARM expects to award approximately $5.4 million in funding across these 14 projects, with each contributing a similar amount as cost share, for a total $10.8 million investment. When the teams are finalized, it is anticipated that more than 30 member organizations spanning industry, academia, robotics providers and non-profits will participate in this project call.

来源:Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) July 9, 2018

