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International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering       2019-02-17

The impact of rainfall and wet pavement has the potential to influence the number of traffic crashes along a roadway as the reduction in pavement friction and visibility potentially lead to a greater number of crashes. To study this impact, researchers have used traffic crash records with reported roadway conditions to determine if there is a relationship between the rainfall event and the number of traffic crashes. This paper examines the accuracy of the reported roadway condition related to the presence of rainfall using a crash database and rainfall records from gauges throughout the state of Alabama. The results of this study indicate that there is a high likelihood, or almost 12 percent of the crashes in the database, where the pavement condition will be reported as wet when there is no rainfall occurring in the area and when there was not a report of rainfall in the recent timeframe. This high percentage of incorrect values might influence the results of statistical studies intended to evaluate the influence of rainfall on crashes.

来源:【刊名】:International Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering【ISSN】:2325-0062

【EISSN】:2325-0070【语种】:eng【出版信息】:2018 Vol.7 No.2

