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专家:第三代汽车钢已上市,可以用来替代先进的590 MPa级高强度钢

美国钢铁技术协会       2018-08-02

Third-generation steels have arrived on the market and can be used to replace a vehicle’s advanced-high strength steel and press-hardened steel, experts said this week. “3G” steels achieve the low weight and increased toughness of existing ultra-high-strength steels but without the formability restrictions of their predecessors. It’d been a “long conversation,” but “they’re here,” AK Steel research and innovation Vice President Eric Petersen said during an interview Monday at the Center for Automotive Research Management Briefing Seminars. “There’s even more coming,” Petersen said. A number of companies are making capital investments related to the metal, Petersen said.

来源:美国钢铁技术协会 201882
